Autumn Invaders: Are Those Stink Bugs or Western Conifer Seed Bugs?

Answers at the end*

The Uninvited Guests of Autumn

As the last wisps of summer’s warmth dissipate, a new season of unwanted visitors arrives in New England. Autumn’s cooler temperatures and shorter days trigger a mass migration of pests seeking refuge from the cold. Your cozy home, with its warm nooks and crannies, becomes an attractive haven for these critters. Among the most common autumn invaders are the Western Conifer Seed Bug and the Stink Bug. But which one is crashing your pad?

The Great Imposter

You might have spotted some suspicious bugs crawling around your home, but identifying them can be tricky. The Western Conifer Seed Bug is often mistaken for its notorious cousin, the Stink Bug, or even the dreaded “Kissing Bug” (don’t worry, those aren’t found in New England!). But before you panic, let’s get to know the real culprit behind the invasion.

Meet the Western Conifer Seed Bug

The Western Conifer Seed Bug is a common fall visitor that seeks warmth for the winter. It’s brown and black, with a small, pointed head, square “shoulders,” and wings that cover its body. This pest might produce a bitter odor to ward off predators, which can cause some confusion with Stink Bugs. But don’t worry – Western Conifer Seed Bugs don’t bite or pose a direct threat to your health. However, their presence can be bothersome, especially when they invade in large numbers.

How to Prevent and Eliminate Seed Bugs

Like ladybugs and cluster flies, Seed Bugs are drawn to your home’s warmth and can sneak in through tiny cracks. To keep them out, start by sealing all the small gaps around your home. Although this is a good preventive measure, it’s often challenging to find every possible entry point on your own.

That’s Where Modern Pest Services Comes In

Our team can perform an exterior treatment to greatly reduce the number of Seed Bugs that make their way inside. We have the right tools, equipment, and expertise to thoroughly inspect and seal potential entry points effectively. Timing is key – schedule pest control treatment early in the season, before the bugs have a chance to get inside. Treating too early might make the solution less effective over time, so finding the right timing is crucial.

Still Not Sure What Kind of Bug You Have?

Send a clear picture to and we’ll help crack the case!

Take a closer look at the culprits:

Left: Brown marmorated stink bug
Right: Western conifer seed bug

By understanding the Western Conifer Seed Bug’s habits and characteristics, you can take the first step towards a pest-free home. Don’t let these unwanted guests crash your autumn festivities – contact Modern Pest Services today to schedule your treatment and keep your home cozy and bug-free!