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Stopping Squirrels in New England

Stopping Squirrels in New England

Squirrels, with their spirited climbing antics and endearing habit of nibbling on nuts and acorns with almost human-like grace, are beloved creatures of the wild. Yet, should they venture into your domain, they can wreak havoc with their tenacious determination to find food and shelter. Despite their charm, it’s crucial to keep these furry little… Read more »

Recognizing the Smells That Mean You Have Mice

Recognizing the Smells That Mean You Have Mice

Mice are among the most common unwanted house guests, and they have a knack for making themselves known through not just their tiny footprints but also their distinct, often unpleasant odors. Your nose can be a powerful tool in detecting a mouse infestation before it becomes a more significant problem. So, let’s follow our noses… Read more »

Are Those Spooky Noises Caused by Rodents and Pests?

Are Those Spooky Noises Caused by Rodents and Pests?

When the nights grow longer, and a chill creeps into the air, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to hear eerie and unsettling noises in their homes. While horror movies often blame such sounds on the supernatural, the culprit is often something far more earthly: rodents and insects. So, let’s explore some of the hair-raising sounds… Read more »

How to Rodent-Proof Your Home for Fall

How to Rodent-Proof Your Home for Fall

Colder weather is approaching, and that leads to an increase in rodent activity. Through Modern’s Anticimex SMART data, we know that rats and mice are an issue year-round. But late summer/early fall is the perfect time of year to do basic exclusion and rodent proofing around your home or business. Combined with professional pest control… Read more »

How to Winterize Your Home Against Pests

How to Winterize Your Home Against Pests

As winter approaches, pests seek refuge in the warmth of our homes, posing a challenge for homeowners. An often-overlooked aspect of cold-weather preparation is safeguarding your home against pest invasions. In this guide, we’ll explore essential steps to minimize the risk of pests making your home their winter haven, and how Modern Pest can help.… Read more »

Are Wasps and Hornets Bugging you this Fall?

Are Wasps and Hornets Bugging you this Fall?

The other day I went apple picking with friends and their kids. There was an apple festival going on, featuring food stands, hayrides, live music, and more. Unfortunately, there was a huge stinging insect presence as well. My friend’s son put on his sweatshirt and was stung on the arm by a yellowjacket wasp that… Read more »

Mosquito-Borne EEE Virus Detected in New England

Mosquito-Borne EEE Virus Detected in New England

Temperatures are dropping and fall foliage is nearly at its peak. Football, field hockey, and soccer fields are filled with action. County and state fairs are pumping out the fried dough and award winning vegetables. And while it might seem like mosquitoes are a summer problem and a thing of the past in autumnal New… Read more »

Stephanie Stellwagon’s September Guest Blog

Stephanie Stellwagon’s September Guest Blog

Modern’s next guest blog is with partner and lifestyle blogger Stephanie Stellwagon. Stephanie can be found online at her website Steph Stell and on Facebook and Instagram at @stephstell. Stephanie lives in New Canaan, Connecticut and Kennebunkport, Maine with her husband and daughter, Pippa. Stephanie’s Blog We are 100% in full on Back to School mode over… Read more »

Jessica Klein’s September Guest Blog

Jessica Klein’s September Guest Blog

Modern’s next guest blog is by our partner and lifestyle blogger, Jessica Klein. Jessica’s website is OID Studio and she can be found on Facebook and Instagram at @ohidesignblog. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband, two kids, and her dog. Jessica’s Blog 5 Things I’m Looking Forward To We are nearing the end of Summer… Read more »

Caitlin Houston’s September Guest Blog

Caitlin Houston’s September Guest Blog

Modern’s next guest blog is by our partner Caitlin Houston. Caitlin’s website is Caitlin Houston and she’s on Facebook and Instagram as @caitlinhoustonblog. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two daughters. Caitlin’s Blog How do you celebrate the end of the summer? It’s hard to believe that summer vacation is almost over! As we gear… Read more »