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Don’t Give Pests A Warm Place To Rest! Tips For Firewood Storage

Don’t Give Pests A Warm Place To Rest! Tips For Firewood Storage

New England winters can be harsh, and there is nothing better than a roaring wood fire for relaxing and beating the cold. However, the threat of pests making themselves at home –  in your home – is highly likely, depending on where you’ve stored your firewood. Many pests are attracted to firewood. The most significant… Read more »

Are There Dangerous Spiders in New England?

Are There Dangerous Spiders in New England?

On the spookiest day of the year, it seems only fitting to discuss one of THE most feared, and dreaded of pests – SPIDERS!!  Maybe it’s the sight of all those extra legs? Or that ominous, creepy “tickle” when they skitter across your skin? Or the invisible wispy webs, that seemingly jump out at your… Read more »

Spider Webs: Silken Strands of Mystery

Spider Webs: Silken Strands of Mystery

If you’ve ever walked through a doorway, only to find a spider has decided to build a 3-bedroom condo right at face level, then you are familiar with the enigma (or perhaps the horror, for some) of the spider web. If you’re anything like me, you also discovered a hidden talent know as the“spastic kung-fu… Read more »

Bats: Menacing or Misunderstood?

Bats: Menacing or Misunderstood?

Bats: bloodsucking monsters or harmless creatures of the night? For many of us, picturing a bat is enough to send a chill down your spine. In medieval folklore, bats were associated with villainous vampires and wicked witches, and that reputation has stuck with them for hundreds of years. It has become more ingrained by their… Read more »

What To Do If You Find a Dead Rodent In Your House?

What To Do If You Find a Dead Rodent In Your House?

Discovering you have a rodent issue in your home is bad enough, but finding a deceased rodent definitely ups that “ick” factor tremendously.  Whether it is a rodent that you have caught with your DIY methods or one that the cat drug in… What should you do with it? Rodents are known carriers of over… Read more »

What Pests Are Lurking in the Bottom of Your Leaf Pile?

What Pests Are Lurking in the Bottom of Your Leaf Pile?

For many New Englanders, the crisp fall air, beautiful foliage, and the smell of autumn leaves collecting on the ground and crunching under our feet, equates to some of the many reasons we love Fall.  For children, on the other hand, it’s the irresistible lure of jumping and playing in a huge pile of colorful… Read more »

Is that a Stink bug or a Western Conifer Seed Bug in my house?

Is that a Stink bug or a Western Conifer Seed Bug in my house?

Autumn – this is the time of year you can find everything flavored in pumpkin spice. Meanwhile, apples are being picked, foliage is peeped and weird bugs are sneaking into your house. That’s right, it is also the time when many pests start seeking shelter for the winter. You may have noticed infestations of ladybugs… Read more »

Fall Steps to Prevent Winter Pests

Fall Steps to Prevent Winter Pests

We all know what’s coming, but many of us are still in denial. The morning temperatures have steadily been dropping. Snowbirds are abandoning the region in droves, flocking to warmer climates like Florida and the Carolinas. Pumpkin spice is popping up on menus and store shelves everywhere. Folks across New England are beginning to don… Read more »

Asian Lady Beetle (Ladybug) Invasion!

Asian Lady Beetle (Ladybug) Invasion!

(They’re not so cute when there are hundreds in your window!) It’s a cool but sunny September afternoon. You are sitting by the sunny window, enjoying a cup of pumpkin spice coffee.  As you glance out the window to admire the foliage, you notice reddish orange movement at the window. Whoa, wait… There is a… Read more »

Why Do I Have Mice?

Why Do I Have Mice?

It is a dark and stormy night. You’ve popped the corn, iced the tea, and settled into your favorite chair for a relaxing night of Netflix. As you immerse yourself in the latest Hollywood zombie flick, you hear a faint scratching noise coming from the kitchen. With white knuckles and bated breath, you creep warily… Read more »