Cats vs. Mice: Who’s Winning the Battle?

Cats have been on mouse patrol for over ten thousand years, earning their keep with sharp claws and keen hunting instincts. Originally domesticated in the Middle East for their prowess, today’s cats have a reputation to uphold—but are they still up to the task?

Are Cats Really Good for Mouse Control?

You’ve probably heard someone say, “Why do I need pest control? I have a cat!” And sure, having a cat strutting around your home does keep some pests on their toes, especially those sneaky mice. But is your feline friend truly enough?

Let’s face it—hunting skills can vary wildly from one cat to the next. Some cats are born mousers with a natural talent, while others seem more interested in napping on the couch than catching anything. Even if your cat has an impressive kill count, they can’t be everywhere at once. A determined mouse might just outwit your kitty’s defenses and find its way inside.

And then there’s the outdoor cat conundrum. Sure, outdoor cats might bring you a ‘gift’ every now and then, but they’re not exactly selective hunters. In fact, they’re responsible for the extinction of at least 63 species of small animals worldwide, including birds, mammals, and reptiles. Your cat might be helping with mice, but they’re also making life difficult for a lot of other critters.

Indoor cats, on the other hand, are a bit safer for the neighborhood wildlife, but they often lack the hunting skills of their outdoor counterparts. It’s not uncommon for an indoor cat to blissfully ignore a mouse running through the kitchen. They might be better at cuddling than catching.

And let’s not forget the health risks. Even if your cat does manage to catch a mouse, eating it could expose them to roundworms or toxoplasmosis, which can be passed on to humans—a particularly nasty thought if someone in your home is pregnant. Keeping your cat well-fed can help reduce the risk, but it’s not foolproof.

Will Mice Flee at the Smell of a Cat?

So, maybe your cat isn’t the best hunter, but can they still scare off mice with just their presence? It turns out, yes—sort of. Cats are notorious for rubbing up against everything, and when they do, they leave a pheromone trail behind. Mice can pick up on these scents and might steer clear of areas with strong predator vibes.

The Modern Solution

Your cat is definitely a valuable member of your household pest control team, offering early warnings of mouse and insect activity and possibly scaring off a few mice with their pheromones. But let’s be honest—they can’t do it all. That’s where Modern’s SMART comes in.

SMART is like the tech-savvy sidekick your cat didn’t know they needed. It’s an intelligent, eco-friendly pest control system that works around the clock. If mouse activity is detected, SMART instantly communicates with our team, so we can send a Modern Pest Service Professional to take care of the issue. It’s like having a superhero on standby.

Call  for a free pest control quote now!