Why Are Bedbugs So Hard to Kill? 

Bedbugs survived the End Cretaceous Mass Extinction 65 million years ago, which wiped out 76% of all species on Earth and enveloped the planet in impenetrable ash that blocked out the sun, as well as every man-made attempt to wipe them out. These pests laugh in the face of hardware store pesticide sprays. 

Humans have been trying to rid themselves of bedbugs for thousands of years, yet these persistent invaders continue to plague our homes and businesses. But what makes them so hard to kill?

Masters Of Stealth

A bedbug can fit anywhere you can slide a piece of paper. This means that they can remain undetected in cracks in your bedframes, inside electrical outlets, between floorboards, and even in the pages of books. Bedbugs are dormant during the day and prefer to stay out of sight, meaning that by the time you see one live specimen, you likely have a BIG problem. All it takes is one pregnant female to survive your eradication efforts for the whole infestation to begin anew. 

Quick to Adapt 

Bedbugs have developed “Knockdown Resistance”, a genetic mutation that allows them to be resistant to pesticides as well as P450s, which are enzymes that reduce toxicity of insecticides by breaking them down quickly in the body.  

Bedbugs have short generations, meaning they can evolve adaptations and immunities that can pass down quickly. Within several years, an entire population can develop immunity to certain pesticides. Humans need to be vigilant and change materials and tactics quickly in order to keep up with them. 

Playing the long game

Bedbugs can go months or even longer than a year without feeding. Bedbugs can become dormant in a state called “diapause” if food sources are reduced and the temperature is below  61 degrees Fahrenheit and can stay like this for up to 18 months. During diapause, a bed bug slows its metabolism so it doesn’t need to feed. This means that items placed in storage may still be infested with living bedbugs and could reinfest your home upon their return. It can also mean that bedbug infestation can linger between tenants, even when food sources are removed.

Indestructible Eggs

If you think adult bedbugs are hard to kill, wait until you hear about their eggs. Eggs are enlongated, white,  and about 1mm long, typically found in small clusters. But don’t let their size fool you, these things are tough! Bedbug eggs have a higher resistance to both heat and cold damage than adult bedbugs or nymphs. They are also difficult to vacuum. A female bedbug attaches her eggs to surfaces with a glue-like protein.  This substance is strong enough to resist the pull of a vacuum cleaner. There is no pesticide on the market that kills bedbug eggs, which is why a follow up treatment must be done at least 2 weeks after the initial bedbug treatment to kill the next generation of hatchlings. 

Fast Reproduction

Depending on conditions, a female bedbug can lay between 1 and 12 eggs per day and live for about 4-6 months, laying around 200-500 eggs in her lifetime. Eggs hatch in 10-15 days and nymphs reach maturity in 4-6 weeks.  In short, it doesn’t take long for a few bugs to turn into a BIG problem.

Hardy Bugs 

Bedbugs are resilient creatures. Adults and nymphs must be exposed to temperatures of 113 degrees or higher for at least 20 minutes to reach their thermal death point. Eggs, as we’ve established above, are tougher to kill and require a temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit over 90 minutes. They are also resistant to cold. Their ability to enter diapause allows them to survive several days of sub-zero temperatures. A home freezer does not reach these temperatures and would require extended periods of freezing in order to kill them. 

Modern Solutions

Modern Pest’s service professionals are Bedbug Control experts. We understand where bedbugs hide and how to effectively eliminate them. 

Our bedbug service includes: 

  • Inspection: Our professionals will thoroughly inspect your home to assess the severity of the infestation. 
  • Treatment Plan: We create a customized treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of your home. 
  • Follow-up: Modern Pest schedules follow-up visits to ensure the infestation is fully resolved and provides guidance on preventive measures 

With a comprehensive approach that includes inspection, customized treatment, and follow-up, Modern Pest ensures your home is protected from bedbugs. Trust our expertise to provide you with effective solutions and lasting peace of mind